Monday, September 3, 2007


Hellooooooo there SA 97! are always full of great ideas...but this whole 'blog' thing takes the cake! It is so great hearing about what everyone is up to! Congrats to all of you on the awesome jobs, marriages, kids etc....

I am pumped for the big 10 year reunion...where does the time go?

As for me.....2 weeks ago I tied to knot to awesomeeee Todd Palmer. It was the best day of my life! We got married at the Wequassett Inn on the Cape...and then had the most amazing honeymoon ever. BIG shout out to Mike Cirelli who was our photographer and SOOO awesome! If you are at work and looking to procrastinate, check out his work!

So.....I am back here in Hackensack, NJ!! I moved down to NJ 3 years ago to be closer to Todd.
I teach 8th grade science in Ridgewood, NJ....and I must say...there is nothing more fun than working with kids at the goofy age of 13. I also coach girls hoops at the high school, big surprise there eh?!

Looking forward to seeing all of you next month!!!


1 comment:

BetsyB said...


I just spent half of my work day looking at your wedding pictures. You look beautiful! I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well!